Catholic Apologetics



Preface Ch 13 - Baptism
Ch 1 - Introduction Ch 14 - Confirmation
Ch 2 - Assumptions in the Search Ch 15 - Eucharist
Ch 3 - Man's Never Ending Sin Ch 16 - Penance/Confession/Reconciliation
Ch 4 - Origins of the Canon of Scripture Ch 17 - Anointing of the Sick
Ch 5 - Truth Ch 18 - Holy Orders
Ch 6 - Sola Scriptura - Scriptures Alone Ch 19 - Marriage
Ch 7 - False Teachers Ch 20 - Mary
Ch 8 - Love, Unity and the Body of Christ Ch 21 - Communion of the Saints
Ch 9 - Christ's One Church Ch 22 - Eschatology
Ch 10 - Apostolic Succession Ch 23 - Purgatory
Ch 11 - Sola Fide - Salvation by Faith Alone Ch 24 - Parousia
Ch 12 - The Catholic Concepts of Sacraments Ch 25 - The Rapture  

Appendix A - Evidence God Exists Appendix B - The Catholic Concept of Suffering Appendix C - How to Be a Happy Catholic Appendix D - Protestant Primer Appendix E - The Feminization of the American Male Appendix F - Liberalism My Personal Testimony Acknowledgments
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